What does Sagittarius mean?

The worldly adventurer of the horoscope wheel, Sagittarius energy inspires us to dream big, chase the impossible and take fearless risks. Sagittarius is the ninth of the 12 signs of the zodiac.

What are the Sagittarius dates (months)?

Sagittarius dates typically fall from November 22 to December 21.

What are the characteristics and personality traits of a Sagittarius?

Ruled by the straight-shooting Archer, Sagittarius energy manifests through enlightenment, travel and truth-seeking. Curious Sagittarius makes us hunger to expand and learn, sending us on adventures to determine the meaning of existence. Philosophical Sagittarius rules higher learning and university settings. It inspires scintillating symposiums and discussions on the deeper aspects of life. Restless, globetrotting Sagittarius loves the great outdoors. Under its influence you might camp under the stars or play urban explorer in a bustling new city. While enthusiastic Sagittarius helps us take risks and big leaps of faith, we can bite off more than we can chew. Under this sign’s influence, we need to know our limits. Otherwise, we can get excited about starting new projects, but fail to follow through. The essence of Sagittarius energy is honest, fair-minded, inspiring, optimistic, enthusiastic, encouraging, and dedicated. Negative expressions of Sagittarius energy can be argumentative, reckless, flaky, preachy, and tactless. What’s most brilliant about Sagittarius, though, is its indefatigable thirst for adventure. With this optimistic sign at the helm, every moment of life can feel like pure magic!

What’s the best look for a Sagittarius?

Athletic and colorful, boho-chic, world prints and patterns, collegiate.

What’s the Sagittarius zodiac sign?

The Sagittarius horoscope symbol is the Centaur or Archer. The Sagittarius sign symbol is usually depicted as an arrow pointing upwards; Sagittarius is always aiming for a higher spiritual ideal and philosophy in life, in addition to embodying an optimistic attitude. Adventure, travel, expansion, wisdom, entrepreneurship, outspokenness and cross-cultural relationships, are the main Sagittarius traits. Thus, the Sagittarius symbol of the arrow pointed skyward expresses the wisdom and honesty of this philosophical zodiac sign. As a passionate fire sign and a dynamic mutable sign, Sagittarius is the metaphysical politician of the zodiac, the sign known for international affairs, salesmanship, soul-searching and philosophy.

Who is Sagittarius most (and least) compatible with and why?

We believe that any two signs are compatible. It just depends on what you want from a relationship! Some people like an easy-breezy vibe, others prefer the challenge that comes from dating someone who is dynamic and different. Same Sign (Conjunct): Sagittarius Similar temperaments; possibly too alike 1 Sign Apart (Inconjunct): Scorpio, Capricorn Strong attraction, but can be awkward and hard to understand each other 2 Signs Apart (Sextile): Libra, Aquarius Best friends with benefits, friendly and fun 3 Signs Apart (Square): Virgo, Pisces Difficult, but an exciting challenge 4 Signs Apart (Trine): Aries, Leo Easy and harmonious but can get too comfortable 5 Signs Apart (Quincunx): Taurus, Cancer Karmic connection, challenging but will keep you on your toes 6 Signs Apart (Opposite): Gemini Magnetic, intense chemistry; can repel and attract in equal measure

What is the Sagittarius element?

Sagittarius is one of the three zodiac signs ruled under the fire element. The other two fire signs are Aries and Leo. Since Sagittarius is the third and final fire sign, it harnesses Aries’ trailblazing and Leo’s fiery leadership into a cosmic supernova of universal wisdom and action. Sagittarius is the inspirer and eternal optimist of the zodiac, challenging us to go big and seek limitless possibilities. Under the influence of a Sagittarius planetary cycle, we may feel pumped to travel, learn, connect across cultures and expand our horizons. Prepare to collect some passport stamps as this fiery sign loves to blaze a trail from Bali to Burma to Boston and beyond!

What is the Sagittarius color?

Royal blue, purple.

What is the Sagittarius birthstone?

Topaz or citrine are the birthstones for Sagittarians born in November; turquoise or blue topaz are the stones for December-born Sagittarius.

What planet rules Sagittarius?

Sagittarius is ruled by expansive Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. As a result, this sign can be “larger than life.” Jupiter is one of the gas giants, and indeed, overconfident Sagittarius energy can seem full of hot air at times. Leaping without looking is a Sagittarius habit. Luckily, fortunate Jupiter helps us land on our feet. But it’s not without a few bumps and bruises (also known as “life lessons” in the Book of Sag). Jupiter was the most widely revered god in ancient Roman times, often referred to as Jupiter Optimus Maximus (literally translating to “all good” and “all powerful”). Not surprisingly, his was the largest temple in Rome. Sagittarius desires the biggest and best, at times to the point of excess and indulgence. In fact, Jupiter was the mythic god of the feast. People with Sagittarius in their charts may quickly expand in girth. Hedonism and decadence without limit can make Sagittarius energy too much of a good thing.

Which celebrities are Sagittarius?

Brad Pitt December 18, 1963 Taylor Swift December 13, 1989 Nicki Minaj December 8, 1982 Miley Cyrus November 23, 1992 Britney Spears December 2, 1981 Sia December 18, 1975 Winston Churchill November 30, 1874 Mark Twain November 30, 1835 Jay-Z December 4, 1969 Frank Sinatra December 12, 1915 Sammy Davis Jr. December 8, 1925 Ian Somerhalder December 8, 1978 Vanessa Hudgens December 14, 1988 Rita Ora November 26, 1990 Trey Songz November 28, 1984 Jake T. Austin December 3, 1994 Scarlett Johansson November 22, 1984 Christina Aguilera December 18, 1980 Jake Gyllenhaal December 19, 1980 Chrissy Teigen November 30, 1985 Martin Van Buren December 5, 1782 Zachary Taylor November 24, 1784 Franklin Pierce November 23, 1804 Emily Dickinson December 10, 1830 Manolo Blahnik November 27, 1942 Gianni Versace December 2, 1946 Joseph Stalin December 18, 1878

What are the best jobs/careers for a Sagittarius?

Entrepreneur, author, publisher, motivational speaker, designer/creative department, salesperson, professor, travel guide, outdoor worker, international human rights organizer, environmentalist, freelance anything. For your Sagittarius daily horoscope, click here! Next up, the best self-care practice for you, according to your zodiac sign.

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