On Wednesday, June 22, 2022, GQ released an interview with the actor for the August 2022 issue. The cover features the Fight Club actor in a seemingly dark pool surrounded by a bed of flowers with a blank stare. The image caused Twitter users to erupt in madness, and some had not-so-nice things to say. Plenty of people took to Twitter to express their feelings about the cover saying that the actor looked like a “corpse.” Others mentioned that the image made Pitt look like a “wax figure.” One user even accused the person who picked the photo of getting fired.  One user may have hit the nail on the head with what the magazine was trying to accomplish, and that is making Pitt look like Shakespeare’s Ophelia from the drama, Hamlet. They tweeted, “I’m dying is this Brad Pitt as Shakespeare’s Ophelia? 😭😭😭,” and included a side-by-side photo to compare the two. She wrote, “When I realized that I would be working on this project, I immediately had a vision—and as I knew it would be a radical invitation to my very own world, I was anxious—only to learn what an immense honor and pleasure it is, and a spark of true inspiration—to work with an incredible actor, artist and a person who admires and respects art and the process so deeply.” She continued, “It is a really surreal feeling to see a face that you have known so well throughout your whole life, reflected in the images of your own making—and it’s an even more surreal feeling to have Brad Pitt collaborating on your vision, going full in on any challenge with charm and humor, understanding the images to the core so quickly—and adding something of his own, something special - that would further enrich the story.” Next, check out why Brad Pitt accused Angelina Jolie of harming his wine brand.