What is The Feast of Seven Fishes?

The Feast of Seven Fishes originated in southern Italy and is practiced today by many Italian-American families. And in lieu of meat on Christmas Eve, a feast of seafood and shellfish is prepared. Why seven different types of fish? Tradition tells that it is because God took seven days to create the universe, although some people choose to offer 12 different types of fish dishes on this occasion, as a reference to the 12 apostles. Here in America, many families still carry out this tradition on Christmas Eve, although the different types of fish—and the way they are prepared—can vary. And even if you’re not a seafood lover, this roundup of pesce-centric recipes will probably change your mind. Plus, they’re just good to have in your recipe arsenal when you feel like fish, holidays or not.

What are the seven fishes served at the The Feast of Seven Fishes?

Some of the Italian fish served on Christmas Eve during The Feast of the Seven Fishes are: classic baccala, which is a white fish soaked, then cooked in a tomato sauce over pasta. Then there’s stuffed calamari, also in a tomato sauce over pasta, although if you’re a fried calamari lover, that counts too. Then you could do Linguine con Vongole (linguine with clams), octopus and seafood chowder, along with salmon, shrimp—even lobster. To go with the 7 fishes, I also like to serve a wide variety of comforting side dishes, chocolate desserts and of course a huge cookie tray to top off your evening for those who were either allergic to fish, or simply not a fan. Scroll through our menu and have a wonderful holiday season from our house to yours. For more delicious recipe ideas, come visit me at What’s Cookin’ Italian Style Cuisine, where I bring you family Italian recipes handed down from my mom and grandmother that are over 100 years old.

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