America Ferrera, 38, knows firsthand what it’s like to juggle multiple responsibilities as an actress, entrepreneur, activist and mom of two. After focusing on being a mom and working as an entrepreneur and activist, she is now getting back into her fitness routine. To jumpstart this next chapter, Ferrera started Zumba for Beginners, a new beginners program. She does Zumba between one to three times a week. “It’s a full-body workout, and I can usually feel what got worked out the next day! That good kind of sore,” Ferrera says.

What To Know About Her Program, ‘Zumba for Beginners’

Ferrera was inspired to start “Zumba for Beginners” because it’s a fun way to stay in shape and practical for those who have a busy schedule—including herself. “I was so happy to find Zumba for Beginners because it gives me lots of options when I don’t have that much time to get away, including just a five-minute video if that’s all I have to get some movement in,” Ferrera explains. “And since it’s free and fun for anyone, I know I can get my friends or even my kids to join me.”

What Ferrera’s Wellness and Self-Care Routine Looks Like

Besides dance fitness, she makes sure to prioritize sleep, eating enough and taking care of her body. “I try to get enough hours of sleep, but let’s be honest, I have two young kids, so it’s nearly impossible to be well-rested,” Ferrera states. “I try to stay hydrated. I try to remember to eat regularly. I tend to get wrapped up in work and not fuel myself properly.” She adds that these days, self-care means seeking joy. “So meeting a friend for coffee, going for a walk, listening to a podcast or reading a book, are small pleasures that make me feel like I’m caring for me,” Ferrera says.

How She Makes Time for Self-Care as a Busy, Working Mom

Ferrera makes “me time” a priority. Her husband is also a good team player when it comes to helping with the kids and they both understand the importance of making time for each other. “I schedule my workouts into my day and I treat them like important meetings with myself,” Ferrera explains. “Also, my husband and I try to protect time for one another on the weekends. He’ll let me sleep in, or I’ll make time for him to go on a long bike ride. We’re in the thick of it with a four and a two-year-old so we have to get creative about free time. Teamwork makes the dream work!” Next up: Mallika Chopra, Author of Just Feel: How to Be Stronger, Happier, Healthier, and More Shares Three Parenting Tips