Easter Trivia Questions and Answers
Question: Easter always falls between which two dates? Answer: March 22 and April 25 Question: Is more candy sold for Easter, Christmas, Valentine’s Day or Halloween?Answer: Halloween Question: About how many chocolate bunnies are produced each year?Answer: 90 million Question: Where is the most popular Easter parade held each year?Answer: New York Question: The first Easter eggs were dyed what color?Answer: Red Question: In the 13th century, the church prohibited eating what during Holy Week?Answer: Eggs Question: The world-record largest chocolate Easter egg was made in what city?Answer: Tosca, Italy Question: How much did the world’s largest chocolate Easter egg weigh?Answer: 15,873 pounds, 4.48 ounces Question: What was the circumference of the world’s largest chocolate Easter egg?Answer: 64 feet, 3.65 inches Question: What baked good is a Good Friday tradition in England?Answer: Hot cross buns Question: How many jellybeans do Americans consume each Easter?Answer: 16 million Question: While the Easter Bunny brings children eggs in the U.S., what sort of critter delivers the goods in Westphalia, Germany?Answer: A fox Question: In Switzerland, what animal delivers Easter eggs to kids?Answer: The cuckoo Question: In England, what is the name of the fruitcake with marzipan balls traditionally served at tea time on Easter?Answer: Simnel Question: How many marzipan balls are traditionally on a simnel cake?Answer: 11 Question: What do the marzipan balls on a simnel cake represent?Answer: The apostles (minus Judas) Question: Households each spend how much on average on Easter annually?Answer: $131 Question: In what country did the tradition of the Easter bunny originate?Answer: Germany Question: The original Easter bunny in Germany was actually what sort of animal?Answer: Hare Question: What is the traditional Easter mascot in Australia?Answer: Bilby Question: Easter Island is part of which country?Answer: Chile Question: When was the first White House Easter Egg Roll?Answer: 1878 Question: Which presidential administration hosted the first White House Easter Egg Roll?Answer: Rutherford B. Hayes Question: Where is the largest Easter egg museum in the world?Answer: Poland Question: How many eggs are in the Easter Egg Museum?Answer: More than 1,500 Question: What’s the most popular Easter candy in America?Answer: Marshmallow peeps Question: When was Cadbury founded?Answer: 1824 Question: In countries including Greece, Mexico and Spain, what is burned during Easter bonfires?Answer: Effigies of Judas Question: When were Cadbury Creme Eggs introduced?Answer: 1963 Question: In the Bible, how many days passed between Jesus’ death and resurrection?Answer: Three Question: The Sunday before Easter is called what?Answer: Palm Sunday Question: What is the 40-day period before Easter?Answer: Lent Question: When Easter eggs were first dyed, it was to represent what?Answer: The blood of Jesus Christ Question: How many states consider Good Friday a holiday?Answer: 12 Question: Easter symbols like rabbits stem from what Anglo-Saxon festival?Answer: Eastre Question: Buying what for Easter is said to bring good luck for the rest of the year?Answer: New clothes Question: Who wrote “Easter Parade?“Answer: Irving Berlin Question: What garment was popularized by the song “Easter Parade?“Answer: Easter bonnets Question: Dyeing Easter eggs is a tradition that began in which country?Answer: Ukraine Question: Which president was the first to introduce an Easter bunny to the White House Easter Egg Roll?Answer: Richard Nixon Question: Before 1953, it took how many hours to produce a single marshmallow Peep?Answer: 27 hours Question: How many Peeps do Americans eat during each Easter season?Answer: 600 million Question: Most Americans bite off what part of a chocolate bunny first?Answer: The ears Question: Easter’s date is determined by what?Answer: The moon Question: Each year, Easter is recognized on the first Sunday after what?Answer: The first full moon on or after the spring equinox Question: Children in Finland dress as what on Easter?Answer: Witches Question: Cadbury Creme Eggs were first called what?Answer: Fry’s Creme Eggs Question: From what is the filling in Cadbury Creme Eggs made?Answer: Fondant Question: What pagan goddess is associated with Easter?Answer: Ostara Question: What flower is considered an Easter symbol?Answer: Lily Question: What bread-based snack is associated with Easter?Answer: Pretzel Question: Why are pretzels considered an Easter food?Answer: Because their design is said to look like praying arms and hands Question: In which state did the Easter bunny first appear?Answer: Pennsylvania Question: Besides bunnies, what animal is considered an Easter symbol?Answer: Lamb Question: What’s the name of the PeanutsEaster special?Answer: It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown Question: Which day of Holy Week is to honor the Last Supper?Answer: Holy Thursday Question: What two games are traditionally played with Easter eggs?Answer: Easter egg hunts and Easter egg rolls Question: In the Bible, who was the first person to enter Jesus’ tomb?Answer: Peter Question: The traditional Ukrainian way of painting Easter eggs is called what?Answer: Pysanka Question: What color jellybean is most popular?Answer: Red Question: Easter Sunday is also called what?Answer: Resurrection Day Question: In the Bible, what Jewish holiday was being celebrated the week of Jesus’ death and resurrection?Answer: Passover Question: In the Bible, Judas traded Jesus in exchange for what?Answer: 30 pieces of silver Question: In the Bible, what prisoner was released instead of Jesus?Answer: Barrabas Question: How long does it currently take to produce one marshmallow Peep?Answer: Six minutes Question: What celebrity was made into a chocolate bunny for the first time in 2015?Answer: Benedict Cumberbatch Question: In Britain, the Easter Act of 1928 was an attempt to do what?Answer: Establish a set annual date for Easter Question: In England, when you dance between Easter eggs on a floor, it’s called what?Answer: Hop-egging Question: What egg-shaped candy was illegal in the United States?Answer: Kinder Surprise Question: In eastern Christianity, the end of Lent is called what?Answer: Lazarus Saturday Question: In what season does Easter take place in Australia?Answer: Autumn Question: In the Bible, what did Jesus and his apostles eat at the Last Supper?Answer: Bread and wine Question: What holiday is celebrated on the last day before Lent begins?Answer: Mardi Gras Question: What state held the largest Easter egg hunt ever in the United States?Answer: Florida Question: What’s the name of the jeweler who decorated Easter eggs for royalty?Answer: Peter Karl Faberge Next, check out these amazing Easter-themed Instagram captions to get your feed hoppin'!