50 Cute Summer Date Ideas

1. Go to a drive-in movie

Channel your inner Sandy and Danny and go to a drive-in movie theater to enjoy a flick and some snacks off of your couch.

2. Watch a movie under the stars

If you’re lucky enough to have a backyard, use a projector and an old sheet and watch movies outside.

3. Get cozy by the fire pit

Make some boozy s’mores, have a few drinks and reminisce on summers gone by (and plan your summers to come).

4. Go star-gazing

Lay out under the stars and see what constellations you find.

5. Celebrate Christmas in July (or August!)

Set a spending limit (i.e., $20) and exchange gifts

6. Make a physical photo album together

Finally, get prints of all your favorite snapshots and go through them together.

7. Go to a local sports game

If your town has any, head to a local sports game to show support.

8. Campaign together

Volunteer together for a campaign you both support.

9. Volunteer together

Clean a local park on a sunny weekend!

10. Take an art class together

Lots of studios are offering sip and paint classes. Get tipsy and artsy together!

11. Take a dance class

You’ll have some killer moves.

12. Go on a bike ride

Whether it’s tandem or side-by-side, take in the summer scenery and get a workout in at the same time.

13. Dine al fresco

Support local eateries!

14. Pack a picnic

Load up on your favorite snacks (or takeout from your favorite local restaurants!) and spread a blanket in a local park.

15. Head to a drive-in concert

Sure, you may not be able to get in the mosh pit, but you can still have a dance party in your whip safely!

16. Enjoy breakfast or brunch in bed

Whether you cook it yourself or order in, stay in your PJs and enjoy your pancakes, waffles, omelets or oatmeal while staying cozy.

17. Take a wine-tasting class together


18. Do karaoke together

Karaoke is sure to bring on the giggles (and the romance). Bonus points if you sing duets together! Need some song ideas? Here are our picks for the most romantic tunes of all time.

19. Draw each other

You don’t have to get all Jack Dawson with it—you can stay clothed! But you’ll each see one another, and yourselves, in a new way through each other’s eyes. If you can’t draw? You’ll get a good laugh at least.

20. Go skating

Have roller blades collecting dust in your garage? Bust them out and do a couple skate.

21. Get wet!

Don’t have a pool? Have a Super Soaker or water balloon fight.

22. Enjoy a food truck crawl

Make a meal out of samplings from a variety of local food trucks.

23. Venture to the supermarket together

Grab some ingredients and cook something new together.

24. Take a cooking class together

Enjoy the spoils over candlelight and wine!

25. Walk shelter dogs together

You’ll do a good deed, get some steps and bond over a cute pooch … and maybe find your new mutual best friend.

26. Do an escape room together

The couple that uses their brains together, stays together!

27. Go for a boat ride

Rent one for two and enjoy the waters together.

28. Give each other massages

Get a tutorial online and work out each other’s knots and kinks. (Wink wink.)

29. Try paddleboarding

In addition to being fun, it’s a great workout, too.

30. Play doubles tennis

Let the losing team buy drinks—and if you do more than one match, why not make one of them a doubles-version of the infamous Battle of the Sexes?

31. Get a reality (TV) check

Got a stormy Saturday? Binge-watch one another’s favorite guilty pleasures, be it Flavor Of Love, Big Brother, Love Is Blind, Survivor, or The Kardashians.

32. Take an outdoor yoga class

You’ll relax, get some exercise and be in a more mindful space together.

33. Solve a murder

Sleuth together from your own home with a murder mystery box like Hunt a Killer, Murder Mystery in a Box, or Murder Mystery Box. If you love it, can you can also get subscription boxes monthly.

34. Hit up a theme park

Feel like kids again.

35. Team up for a virtual reality game

Another fun touch? Make each other’s avatars.

36. Train together

Whether it’s MMA or a marathon, bonding over sweat and a common goal will make you guys happy (plus, endorphins!).

37. Take a sunrise walk

Sunsets are nice, but they aren’t as special because let’s face it—you’re awake for them all the time already.

38. Go golfing

Whether it’s regular or mini, it’s a fun way to get out and giggle a bit.

39. Learn a skill together

Woodworking? Piano? Candle-making? Teaming up to learn something new is a great way to bond and keep things fresh. P.D. Washington, DC

40. Have a poker night

A good way to see how well you really know one another? Figure out each other’s tells during Texas Hold ‘Em.

41. Be a tourist in your hometown

Chances are you have some cool gems in your neighborhood, be it architecture or a great cafe, that you never took advantage of before. Now is the time!

42. Have an interrogation session

Ask each other important questions! Here are 36 great ones to spark intimacy.

43. Start your own private book club

Take turns picking out new reads from local bookstores and set aside time each week to discuss new chapters and developments.

44. Konmari together

A chore doesn’t feel like as much of a chore when you set a time limit and can laugh during it, especially when you find his old member’s only jackets.

45. Do a puzzle together

Puzzles have been having a serious moment in quarantine, and there’s a reason for that: They force you to focus and be mindful on one specific thing. For an added set of chuckles, set a timer and see how well you guys do.

46. Play video games together

If you’re used to sitting watching him play or vice versa, get a brand new game that’s foreign to you both and go to town.

47. Bake something yummy together

If you’ve already experimented with new meals, try out a new dessert.

48. Be kids again

Break out Chutes and Ladders, Sorry, Hungry Hungry Hippos and your other childhood favorites. Have ice cream for dinner. You make the rules now!

49. Tell spooky stories around a fire

Too scared to sleep afterward? There are things you can do instead.

50. Get your date night in a box

Date Night in a Box offers themed date nights delivered to your door to keep things fresh and fun. Check out: Free Workouts 250 Deep Questions 250 Newlywed Game Questions 250 Truth or Dare Questions 250 Would You Rather Questions 250 Never Have I Ever Questions

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