Sometimes the best exercises for our bodies are the simplest ones, and this is certainly the case with planks. While many people consider planks to be an ab workout, they also activate various muscle groups and act as a full-body workout. With enough consistency, you’ll feel the effects all over—literally.  One minute is all it takes to feel the burn of a plank, and while it can test your physical strength and endurance in the moment, the benefits are well worth it. So, what are the top benefits of planks? We break it down below. 

Benefits of planks

Planks are simple and effective 

Planks provide a full-body workout, strengthening muscles throughout your mid-section, upper body and lower body, and you don’t need any equipment to do them. Two to three workouts per week will improve core strength, but some results can be seen with even one workout per week.  First, let’s start with the basics. Melissa Boyd, Tempo Coach and NASM-certified personal trainer explainshow to do the perfect plank:

Begin by finding a good workout/yoga mat or a soft spot on the floor. Lie down facing the floor and place your palms directly under your shoulders similar to the position you would use for a push-up. Now engage your core (tighten your abdominals and low back muscles) and slowly press your body up into a push-up position straightening your elbows. Hold the plank position until your core muscles are challenged/fatigued. You will know that you are fatigued when you are no longer able to maintain good posture—the straight line from ear to ankle. Your midsection/hips will drop down toward the ground or pike upward creating a triangular shape.

And of course, you will feel the burn in your core muscles—the best sign to take a break. Sets and reps: No reps on this one, just try to hold that perfect plank posture as long as you can. If this exercise is new to you, that time may be a few seconds. If you are a seasoned pro, it could be several minutes. If you are on either extreme end of that spectrum, consider trying one of the following modifications to make the exercise easier or harder. Modifications: If you need a less challenging modification, try widening your stance (foot placement) or try planking from your knees. If you want a slightly more difficult modification, plank from your elbows instead of your hands and/or alternate lifting one foot or hand an inch off the ground and feel those obliques burn.  Safety first: Importantly, stop planking and speak with your healthcare provider if you experience pain during the exercise.

Planks improve posture and core stability

The plank is a great core exercise, especially for beginners. It is particularly valuable because it trains the core in a way that mirrors the main function of the core throughout the day—maintaining good posture, according to Boyd. Planks work a large list of muscles but are best for strengthening the muscles of the core (abdominals, obliques, spine erectors, etc.). Better core stability equals better posture, reduced risk of injury and improved athletic performance. “Without good core stability, you can be at a greater risk for injury. For example, the average person has a 60-70% chance of experiencing low-back pain at some point in their lifetime,” says Boyd. “This risk is greatly reduced with core training. Strong muscles reduce the stress to the joints they support. Strong core muscles protect the spine—a very common area of injury.” A less serious impact of a lack of core stability is on performance. Poor core stability can result in poor balance and coordination, preventing the other muscles of the body from performing.  For example, throwing a ball requires a strong foundation from the legs, through the core, to the shoulder. This way power from the legs can be transmitted through the core to the shoulder, resulting in a much more powerful throw, Boyd explains. Try throwing a ball standing and then sitting. Which throw goes farther? That is your core in action.  

Planks work multiple muscles at once

Planks work a lot of muscles at once, despite perception as a move that only works your abs, Boyd explains. In fact, planks work, and strengthen, your: 

Mid-section: Abdominal, obliques, transverse abdominis, spinal erectors. Upper-bodyLegs: Hip flexors and quadriceps 

Planks are isometric

“This means your joint angle is not at all changing throughout the exercise, the muscle is simply resisting gravity…but neither winning nor losing,” Thor Bradley, C4 Energy Athlete explains. “This fact alone has magnificent implications on our everyday life.”  Our bodies are constantly fighting gravity for good posture and having strong supportive muscles will not hurt your ability to resist postural collapse in compromising situations. The stabilizers involved in a good plank are put to an isometric test every time you grit through another good set, Bradley adds.

Planks can improve your breathing

“We know the plank is chosen as a strengthening exercise, but it obviously feels very conditioning-based after the first 20 seconds,” says Bradley. “Our breathing becomes short and all of this sudden it becomes a mental game. Well, the beautiful thing is we can use this to our advantage with the intent to become better breathers.” Try practicing diaphragmatic breathing while doing your plank. Here’s how to do it:

As you begin your plank, take a deep stomach breath (not into your chest) by breathing in only through your nose. Once you cannot breathe in any more air into your stomach/ diaphragm I want you to hold in that pressure for 2 long seconds while flexing your abs. Now, breathe out all of your air through your mouth until the tank feels empty, and again hold that tension for 2 long seconds. Repeat for 6-8 total cycles.

Planks are diverse

The plank is an adaptable movement with numerous variations. “One of my favorite plank variations is the side plank,” says Bradley. “Or side plank with leg abduction. This movement will strengthen your IT Bands (great for runners), obliques, gluteus medius and many other stabilizers.” Try this exercise down on the elbow with the leg abducted as high as you can get it with the heel up toward the sky and toes pointed down.

Planks help prevent exercise-induced injuries

Having a strong core reduces your risk of getting injured. “Common strength exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses require the use of a strong core, especially when lifting heavy weights,” says Hollis Tuttle, MIRROR trainer and Lululemon ambassador. “Planking improves your core strength, which provides you with the ability to brace and keep your spine straight while in motion.”

Planks may reduce lower back pain

“Many people think it’s important to strengthen your core if you want to combat lower-back pain, but research shows this might not be the case,” says Michael Matthews, fitness and nutrition expert and the author of the upcoming bookMuscle for Life: Get Lean, Strong, and Healthy at Any Age. In astudy conducted by scientists at CUNY Lehman College, researchers found that developing core endurance, not core strength, is the best way to combat spinal instability and lower-back pain. This makes the plank an ideal exercise for reducing lower back pain, as it primarily improves muscle endurance instead of absolute muscular strength.

Planks teach you to brace your core

Many people struggle to properly stabilize their torso during various sports and exercises. For instance, it’s common for people to round their backs during squats and deadlifts, and part of the reason for this is they don’t know how to properly brace their core muscles.  By doing planks just a few times per week for 30 to 60 seconds at a time, you can improve your ability to activate your core muscles, which makes you better at many other exercises, too. Basically, it’s a good “supplemental” exercise that helps you get more out of many other exercises, Matthews explains.

Planks are highly adaptable to your fitness level and circumstances

You don’t need much space or any equipment to do the plank, and you can make it more difficult by changing your technique or applying external resistance, Matthews states.  For instance, you can moveyour elbows farther away from your torso so they’re under your eyes and consciously “tuck” your tailbone to make the exercise more difficult, or you can put a few water jugs in a backpack and put that on before doing your planks. And, of course, you can always try to hold each set for a longer amount of time.  Next up: Want Your Strongest Core Ever? Try This Trainer-Approved 30-Day Plank Challenge 


Melissa Boyd, Tempo Coach and NASM-certified personal trainerThor Bradley, C4 Energy AthleteHollis Tuttle, MIRROR trainer and Lululemon ambassadorMichael Matthews, fitness and nutrition expert and the author of the upcoming bookMuscle for Life: Get Lean, Strong, and Healthy at Any AgeSports Biomechanics: “An electromyographic comparison of a modified version of the plank with a long lever and posterior tilt versus the traditional plank exercise” 10 Benefits of Planks - 22